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Cannabis Stats & Data

A quick guide to locating statistics, data & other information on Cannabis in Canada

Cannabis in Canada Stats & Data

Google Quick-Search of Canadian federal and provincial websites

  • Try keyword search cannabis or marijuana to find legislation and more!

Cannabis Stats Hub

  • Cannabis statistics are organized in the following categories:Health, Justice, Economy, Prices.

Cannabis Economic Account, 1961 to 2017

  • The Cannabis Economic Accounts are a set of provisional estimates related to the production, consumption and distribution of cannabis in the Canadian economy. The data are deemed provisional and subject to potentially large revisions because they rely heavily on a number of assumptions, models and sparse data sources related to the production of the mostly illegal cannabis industry. Over the next few months, as the agency develops new data sources and improves its methods, these accounts will be updated to provide a more precise measure of the Canadian cannabis industry and market.

Analysis (StatCan Reports)