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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Canada, 1996)
Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996)
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Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (Canada, 1996)
This historic Royal Commission sought to investigate the relationship between Indigenous Peoples and the Canadian government. Reports were published from 1991 - 1996.
Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996)
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996)
Publications of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Intervenor Project Submissions
Research Reports
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Documents accessed from Library and Archives Canada searchable database
"This database provides access to documents, such as intervenor project submissions, publications, research reports and hearing transcripts that supported the writing of the report of the RCAP."
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Saint Mary's University
Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (1996)
400. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 1 - Looking Forward Looking Back
401. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 2 - Restructuring the Relationship
402. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 3 - Gathering Strength
403. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 4 - Perspectives and Realities
404. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 5 - Renewal: A Twenty-Year Commitment
405. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 1 - Un passé, un avenir
406. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 2 - Une relation à redéfinir
407. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 3 - Vers un ressourcement
408. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 4 - Perspectives et réalités
409. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 5 - Vingt ans d'action soutenue pour le renouveau
Publications of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
Item # 379-449
Item # 500-509
Item # 510-519
Item # 520-529
Item # 530-539
Note: nonconsecutive numbering
379. Overview of the Second Round (April 1993)
380. Toward Reconciliation: Overview of the Fourth Round (April 1994)
381. Vers une réconciliation: Compte rendu de la quatrième série d'audiences (avril 1994)
392. Canada's Fiduciary Obligation to Aboriginal Peoples in the Context of Accession to Sovereignty by Quebec (1995) Volume 2: Domestic Dimensions
393. L'obligation de fiduciaire du Canada envers les peuples autochtones dans le contexte de l'accession du Québec à la souveraineté (1995) Volume 2: Dimension intérieure
394. Canada's Fiduciary Obligation to Aboriginal Peoples in the Context of Accession to Sovereignty by Quebec (1995) Volume 1: International Dimensions
466. Treaty Making in the Spirit of Co-existence: An Alternative to Extinguishment (March 1995)
467. L'obligation de fiduciaire du Canada envers les peuples autochtones dans le contexte de l'accession du Québec à la souveraineté (1995) Volume 1: Dimension internationale
469. The High Arctic Relocation: A Report on the 1953-55 Relocation and Summary of Supporting Information (three volumes) (July 1994)
499. The Right of Aboriginal Self-Government and the Constitution: A Commentary (February 1992)
500. Partners in Confederation: Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government, and the Constitution (August 1993)
501. Ethical Guidelines for Research (Pamphlet)
502. Integrated Research Plan (January 1994)
503. Framing the Issues, Discussion Paper No. 1 (October 1992)
504. Focusing the Dialogue, Discussion Paper No. 2 (April 1993)
505. Overview of the First Round (October 1992)
506. Exploring the Options: Overview of the Third Round (November 1993) English, French
507. Aboriginal Peoples in Urban Centres: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Urban Issues (May 1993)
508. The Path to Healing: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues (October 1993)
509. Aboriginal Peoples and the Justice System: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Justice Issues (June 1993)
510. Sharing the Harvest: The Road to Self-Reliance, Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Economic Development and Resources (December 1993)
511. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 1: Soliloquy and Dialogue: The Evolution of Public Policy Discourse on Aboriginal Issues since the Hawthorn Report
512. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 2: Summaries of Reports by Federal Bodies and Aboriginal Organizations
513. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 3: Summaries of Reports by Provincial and Territorial Bodies and Other Organizations
514. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 4: Bibliography
515. Choosing Life: Special Report on Suicide Among Aboriginal People (February 1995)
516. Aboriginal Self-Government: Legal and Constitutional Issues (1995)
517. Bridging the Cultural Divide: A Report on Aboriginal People and Criminal Justice in Canada (1996)
518. Le droit à l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones et la Constitution: Commentaire (février 1992)
519. Partenaires au sein de la Confédération: Les peuples autochtones, l'autonomie gouvernementale et la Constitution (août 1993)
520. Code d'éthique en matière de recherche (brochure)
521. Plan de recherche intégrée (janvier 1994)
522. Les questions en jeu: Document de réflexion no 1, (octobre 1992)
523. Au cœur du dialogue: Document de réflexion no 2, (octobre 1992)
524. Compte rendu de la première série d'audiences (octobre 1992)
525. Compte rendu de la deuxième série d'audiences (avril 1993)
526. L'heure des choix: Compte rendu de la troisième série d'audiences (novembre 1993)
527. Les peuples autochtones vivant en milieu urbain: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur les préoccupations des populations urbaines autochtones (mai 1993)
528. Sur le chemin de la guérison: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur la santé et les questions sociales (octobre 1993)
529. Les peuples autochtones et la justice: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur les questions judiciaires (juin 1993)
530. Un partage garant d'autonomie: Rapport de la Table ronde sur le développement économique et les ressources (décembre 1993)
531. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 1: Soliloque et dialogue: Aperçu des grandes tendances de la politique officielle relative aux peuples autochtones
532. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 2: Résumés de rapports d'organismes fédéraux et d'organismes autochtones
533. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 3: Résumés de rapports d'organismes provinciaux et territoriaux et d'autres organismes
534. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 4: Bibliographie
535. La réinstallation dans l'Extrême-Arctique: Un rapport sur la réinstallation de 1953-1955 (juillet 1994) vol. 1 et 2
536. Choisir la vie: Un rapport spécial sur le suicide chez les autochtones (février 1995)
537. Conclure des traités dans un esprit de coexistence: Une solution de rechange à l'extinction du titre ancestral (mars 1995)
538. L'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones: Questions juridiques et constitutionnelles (1995)
539. Par-delà les divisions culturelles: Un rapport sur les autochtones et la justice pénale au Canada (1996)
Intervenor Project Submissions
1. Item # 355-368
2. Item # 369-460
3. Item # 461-548
4. Item # 549-562
5. Item # 563-576
6. Item # 577-590
7. Item # 591-604
8. Item # 605-618
9. Item # 619-632
10. Item # 633-645
355. Submission from Arctic Co-Operatives Ltd.
356. Submission from the The Alliance Tribal Council
357. Submission from the Aboriginal Peoples Business Association
358. Submission from the Aboriginal Nurses Association of canada
359. Submission from the Canadian Council for Native Business (Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business?)
360. Submission from the Canadian Chambre of Commerce
361. Contribution de la Chambre de Commerce du Canada
362. Submission from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
363. Submission from the Metis Society of Saskatchewan
364. Contribution du Institut Culturel et educatif Montagnais
365. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.
366. Submission from Metis Women of Manitoba Inc.
367. Submission from the Manitobal Metis Federation (The Pas)
368. Submission from the Native Women's Association of Canada
369. Submission from the National Association of Friendship Centres
370. Submission from the Northern Fur Conservation Area Trappers Association
371. Submission from the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
372. Submission from the P.E.I. Cross Cultural Committee
373. Contribution du Regroupement Des Centres D'amitie Autochones du Quebec
374. Submission from the Regroupement Des Centres D'amitie Autochones du Quebec
375. Submission from the Swampy Cree Tribal Council
376. Submission from the NWT Council of Friendship Centres
377. Submission from the Tahltan Tribal Council
378. Submission from the Treaty 8 Tribal Associations
458. Submission from the Independent First Nations Alliance
459. Submission from the Canadian Labour Congress
460. Submission from the Ontario Native Council on Justice
Note: nonconsecutive numbering
461. Submission from the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council
462. Submission from the Federation of Ontario Naturalists
463. Submission from the Ontario Native Education Counselling Association
464. Contribution du Grand Conseil de Ia Nation Waban-Aki Inc.
465. Submission from the West Region Tribal Council
540. Submission from the Aboriginal Women's Council of B.C.
541. Submission from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
542. Submission from the Alberta Indian War Veterans Society
543. Submission from the The Assembly of Aboriginal Peoples of Saskatchewan Inc.
544. Submission from the Aboriginal Women's Council of Saskatchewan Inc.
545. Submission from the Aboriginal Sports/Recreation Association of B.C.
546. Submission from the Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
547. Submission from the Assembly of First Nations
548. Submission from the Aboriginal Rights Coalition
549. Soumission de l'Association des Metis et Indiens Hors Reserves du Quebec
550. Submission from the The Aboriginal Youth Council of Canada
551. Submission from the Native Alliance of Quebec
552. Submission from the B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
553. Submission from the B.C. Native Women's Society
554. Submission from the B.C. Association of Friendship Centres
555. Submission from the Canadian Ethnocultural Council
556. Submission from the Concerned Fisherman of Great Slave Lake
557. Submission from the Canadian Artic Resources Committee
558. Submission from the Canadian Bar Association
559. Submission from the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
560. Submission from the Canadian Nurses Association
561. Submission from the Canadian Park/Recreation Association
562. Soumission du Conseil des Atikamekw et Des Montagnais Inc.
563. Submission from the Council of Elders (Ontario)
564. Submission from the Chiefs of Ontario
565. Submission from the Deh Cho Tribal Council
566. Submission from the Dene Nation
567. Submission from the Economic Development for Canadian Aboriginal Women Inc.
568. Submission from the Federation of Newfoundland Indians
569. Submission from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
570. Soumission des Femmes Autochtones du Quebec Inc.
571. Submission from the First Nation Confederacy
572. Submission from the Fredericton Native Friendship Centre
573. Submission from the Gwich'in Tribal Council
574. Submission from the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec
575. Submission from the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies & Applied Research
576. Submission from the Indian Homemakers Association
577. Submission from the Indigenous Women's Collective
578. Submission from the Indian Council- First Nations of Manitoba
579. Submission from the Indian Association of Alberta
580. Submission from Inuit Tapiriiksat Kanatami
581. Submission from the Indigenous Bar Association
582. Submission from the Interprovincial Association on Native Employment Inc.
583. Submission from the Indigenous Survival International (Canada)
584. Submission from the Kwakuitl District Office
585. Submission from Labrador Legal Services
586. Submission from the Labrador Inuit Health Commission
587. Submission from the London Districts Chiefs Council
588. Submission from the Labrador Metis Association
589. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation/Thompson Regions
590. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Winnipeg Region
591. Submission from the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties (MARL)
592. Submission from the Metis Nation NWT
593. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Southeast Region
594. Submission from the Metis Nation Of Alberta Association
595. Submission from the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc.
596. Submission from the Maskawachees Cultural College
597. Submission from the Metis National Council
598. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation SouthWest Region
599. Submission from the Interlake Metis Association
600. Submission from the The Metis Settlements General Council
601. Submission from the Metis Child and Family Services Society
602. Submission from the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.
603. Submission from the Metis Heritage Association
604. Submission from the National Aboriginal Communications Society
605. Submission from the Native Brotherhood of B.C.
606. Submission from the Native Council of Nova Scotia / Union of Nova Scotia Indians
607. Submission from the Native Council of Prince Edward Island
608. Submission from Nongon Ikwe Inc.
609. Submission from the Native Court worker and Counselling Association of B.C.
610. Submission from the Native Council of Canada
611. Submission from Native Earth Performing Arts
612. Submission from the Native Council of Canada Alberta
613. Submission from the National Native Association Of Treatment Centres
614. Submission from the Nicola Valley Tribal Council
615. Submission from the Nova Scotia Native Women's Association
616. Submission from the Northern Flood Committee
617. Submission from the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
618. Submission from the The North Shore Tribal Council
619. Submission from the National Aboriginal Veterans Association
620. Submission from the National Aboriginal Youth Career and Awareness Committee Inc.
621. Submission from the Native Women's Association of the NWT
622. Submission from the Nisga'a Tribal Council
623. Submission from the National Aboriginal Forestry Association
624. Submission from the Northwest Metis Council
625. Submission from the Ontario Native Women's Association
626. Submission from the Ontario Federation oflndian Friendship Centres
627. Submission from the Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association
628. Submission from the The Pacific Metis Federation
629. Submission from the Sto':Lo Tribal Council
630. Submission from the Sahtu Tribal Council
631. Submission from the Society of Canadian Artists of Native Ancestry
632. Submission from the Saugeen Ojibway Nations Territories
633. Submission from the Saskatoon Treaty and First Nations Assembly Inc.
634. Submission from the Treaty 7 Tribal Council
635. Submission from the Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council
636. Submission from the Tribal and Chiefs Association of North Eastern Alberta
637. Submission from the Union of Ontario Indians
638. Submission from the United Indian Councils
639. Submission from the United Chiefs and Councils
640. Submission from the Urban Treaty Alliance
641. Submission from the United Steel Workers of America
642. Submission from the Winnipeg First Nations Tribal Council
643. Submission from the Women of the Metis Nation
644. Submission from the Windigo Tribal Council
645. Submission from the Yorkton Tribal Council
Research Reports
1. Item # 218-231
2. Item # 232-246
3. Item # 247-261
4. Item # 262-276
5. Item # 277-291
6. Item # 292-313
7. Item # 314-328
8. Item # 329-343
9. Item # 344-385
10. Item # 386-413
11. Item # 414-429
12. Item # 430-445
13. Item # 446-473
14. Item # 474-489
15. Item # 490-497
218. Federal Systems and Accommodation of Distinct Groups: A Comparative Survey of Institutional Arrangements
219. Les régimes fédéraux et les groupes distincts : Étude comparative des mécanismes institutionnels
220. Aboriginal Citizenship and Federalism: Exploring Non-Territorial Models
221. Canadian Representation and Aboriginal Peoples: A Survey of the Issues
222. Représentation des peuples autochtones au Canada / Étude des questions
223. Exploring Concepts of Treaty Federalism / A Comparative Perspective
224. Réflexion sur les concepts du fédéralisme des traités : une étude comparative
225. Exercising Aboriginal Self-Government: The Intergovernmental Transition
226. Citizenship and Aboriginal Self-Government
227. La citoyenneté et l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones
228. The Familiar Face of Colonial Oppression: An Examination of Canadian Law and Judicial Decision Making
229. Aboriginal Governments and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
230. Une perspective juridique sur les gouvernements autochtones et la Charte Canadienne de Droits et Libertés
231. Aboriginal Peoples and Constitutional Reform
232. The Indian Act / Evolution, Overview and Options for Amendment and Transition
233. A New Covenant Chain: An Alternative Model to Extinguishment for Land Claims Agreements
234. Une nouvelle chaîne d'alliance : des solutions de rechange à l'extinction du titre ancestral dans le contexte du règlement des revendications territoriales
235. Enhancing Integrity in Aboriginal Government: Ethics and Accountability for Good Governance*
236. Community and the Administration of Aboriginal Governments
237. Collectivités et gouvernements autochtones
238. Ile a la Crosse Community Study
239. The Historical, Legal and Current Basis for Siksika Nation Governance, Including Its Future Possibilities Within Canada
240. La signification de l’autonomie gouvernementale à Kahnawake
241. The Meaning of Self-Government in Kahnawake
242. Aboriginal Governance Project: Metis Settlements General Council
243. L'administration gouvernementale autochtone: le conseil général des établissements métis
244. Anishnabe Niigaanziwin: Structures and Procedures of the Serpent River First Nation
245. Anishnabe Niigaanziwin : Structures et procédures de la première nation de Serpent River
246. Study on the Vision of Self-government of the Montagnais Nation in the Fields of Education and Culture
247. Étude sur la vision de l'autonomie gouvernementale de la nation montagnaise dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la culture
248. The Shubenacadie Band Council and the Indian Brook Band Case Study on Self-Governance
249. Le conseil de bande de Shubenacadie et l'étude du cas de la bande d'Indian Brook concernant l'autonomie gouvernementale
250. Wrigley Dene Band / Research Report
251. Le conseil de bande des Dénés de Wrigley Projet d'administration gouvernementale autochtone
252. Aboriginal Governments Case Study: Teslin Tlingit First Nation
253. Governance Study: Metis Self-Government in Saskatchewan
254. Relations Between the Province and Aboriginal Peoples in Prince Edward Island
255. Aboriginal Peoples and Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador
256. Canadian Governments and Aboriginal Peoples Project/Province of Nova Scotia
257. Projets des gouvernements du Canada et des peuples autochtones Nouvelle-Écosse
258. The Case of New Brunswick — Aboriginal Relations
259. The Government of Quebec and Aboriginal Self-Government
260. Le gouvernement du Québec et l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones
261. New Relationship, New Challenges: Aboriginal Peoples and the Province of Ontario
262. Relations with Canadian Domestic Governments - Manitoba
263. Government to Government: Aboriginal Peoples and British Columbia
264. De gouvernement à gouvernement : les peuples autochtones et la Colombie-Britannique
265. Canadian Government and Aboriginal Peoples / The Northwest Territories
266. Les Premières nations et le gouvernement du Territoire du Yukon : vers une nouvelle relation
267. First Nations and the Yukon Territorial Government: Towards a New Relationship
268. The Politics of Slow Progress: Federal Aboriginal Policy Processes
269. The Case of Saskatchewan-Aboriginal Relations
270. Financing Aboriginal Self-Government
271. Making Finance fit: Funding Arrangements for Aboriginal Governments
272. Current Practices in Financing Aboriginal Government
273. Developing a Modern International Law on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
274. Indigenous Peoples and Canada's Role on the International Stage
275. Les peuples autochtones et le rôle du Canada sur la scène internationale
276. Aboriginal Self-Government in the United States: A Qualitative Political Analysis
277. L'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones aux États-Unis : Une analyse politique qualitative
278. Aboriginal Governance in Australia
279. La fonction gouvernementale aborigène en Australie
280. New Zealand Indigenous Governance
281. A Thousand Years: Indigenous Peoples and Northern Europeans
282. L'autonomie gouvernementale tribale en Inde
283. Tribal Self-Government in India
284. Patterns of Employment, Unemployment and Poverty
285. Aboriginal Training, Education & Employment
286. Aboriginal Child Care in Ontario and Quebec
287. The Impact of Major Resource Development Projects on Aboriginal Communities: A Review of the Literature
288. The Dynamics of Exclusion - Discrimination and other Barriers Facing Aboriginal Peoples in the Labour Market
289. Metis Economic Development in Regina
290. La Loche Community Case Study
291. Aboriginal People in the Winnipeg Economy
Note: nonconsecutive numbering
292. Community Economic Case Study / Nain, Labrador
293. Rethinking Aboriginal Participation in the Minerals Industry: An Exploration of Alternative Modes
294. Aboriginal Participation in the Minerals Industry
295. The Gaming Industry in Aboriginal Communities
296. Renouncing the Old Rules of the Games: Crown Conduct Within the Context of Litigation Involving Aboriginal Peoples
297. Renoncer aux anciennes règles du jeu : la conduite de la Couronne dans les litiges mettant en cause des peuples autochtones
298. An Overview of the Eighteenth Century Treaties Signed Between the Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Peoples and the English Crown, 1693-1928
299. Kaswentha
307. La citoyenneté autochtone et le fédéralisme : analyse de modèles non territoriaux
308. Final Report: Metis Nation of Alberta Association
309. Vue d'ensemble des préoccupations relatives au sport et aux loisirs chez les peuples autochtones du Canada
310. Comprehensive Overview of Sports and Recreation Issues Relevant to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
311. Three Generations of a Micmac Family / Stories and Conversations
312. Trois générations d'une famille micmaque: Histoires et conversations
313. Dene Life in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories: A Life History over Three Generations
314. "Métis, c'est ma nation.'Your Own People', comme on dit": Life Histories From Eva, Evelyn, Priscilla and Jennifer Richard
315. Three Generation Life History Study of Metis Women in Alberta
316. Health Services Development in an Aboriginal Community: the Case of Peguis First Nation
317. L'évolution des services de santé dans une communauté autochtone : le cas de la première nation Peguis
318. Winnipeg Case Study of Health and Social Services: Final Report
319. Current practice in financing Aboriginal governments: An overview of three case studies prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
320. Politiques et programme : étude de cas sur un organisme de services à l'enfant et à la famille des Premières nations
321. Aboriginal Foster Family Care in Canada: A Policy Review
322. The Circle Game: Shadows and Substance in the Indian Residential School Experience in Canada
323. Education for Subordination: Redressing the Adverse Effects of Residential Schooling
324. Public Power and the Public Purse: Governments, Budgets and Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian North
325. Fiscal Alternatives for Funding the Inuit and Innu of Labrador
326. Midwifery in the North
327. High Arctic Relocation: International Norms and Standards
328. A Review and Assessment of the Economic Utilisation and Potential of Country Food in the Northern Economy
329. Aboriginal People and the Minerals Industry: Yukon and Denendeh / On Our Own Terms
330. Aboriginal People and Mining in Nunavut, Nunavik and Northern Labrador
331. Northern Self-Government and Subsidiarity: Centralization vs. Community Empowerment
332. Re-Inventing Canada: The North and National Policy
333. Nunavut: Aboriginal Self-Determination Through Public Government
334. The Adaptation of Public Governing Institutions in the Territorial North
335. Them Eskimo Mob: International Implications of Nunavut
336. Dene Nation: An Analysis
337. The Adaptation of Non-Aboriginal Institutions of Governance in the Northwest Territories
338. Inuit Statistics - An Analysis of the Categories Used in Government Data Collections
339. Inuit Statistics in Canada: An Analysis of Concepts and Categories Used by Government Agencies at Federal, Provincial and Territorial Levels
340. Contemporary Aboriginal Land, Resource, and Environment Regimes: Origins, Problems, and Prospects
341. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: Natural Resources, Public Lands, and the Implementation of a Native Land Claim Settlement
342. The Northern Flood Agreement: Implementation of Land, Resource and Environment Regimes in a Treaty Area
343. Land, Landscape, Culturescape: Aboriginal Relationships to Land and the Co-Management of Natural Resources
344. Pond Inlet Inuit Women Speak About Power
345. Child Care in the North
346. Violence et Guérison / Données sur le vécu de violence familiale et le processus de guérison chez les Innuat de Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
347. Violence and Healing: Data on family violence and healing among the Innuat of Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
348. Cultural Identity For Urban Aboriginal Peoples Learning Circles Synthesis Report
349. Urban Survivors, Aboriginal Street Youth; Vancouver, Winnipeg and Montreal (kaptitipis e-pimohteyahk: Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal)
350. kaptitipis e-pimohteyahk: Vancouver, Winnipeg et Montréal
351. Report of the Urban Governance Working Group
352. Rapport du groupe de travail sur la fonction gouvernementale en milieu urbain
353. Aboriginal History: Workshop Report
354. A Review and Analysis of the Major Challenges and Concerns of Aboriginal Youth in Canada
382. Implementing Aboriginal Self-Government: Constitutional and Jurisdictional Issues
383. Normative Dimensions of the Right of Aboriginal Self-Government
384. The Métis and 91(24): Is Inclusion the Issue?
385. Do the Métis fall within section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867 and, if so, what are the ramifications in 1993?
386. Inuit Perspectives on Treaty Rights and Governance Issues
387. La mise en oeuvre de l'autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones : aspects constitutionnels et questions de compétence
388. Les dimensions normatives du droit des autochtones à l'autonomie gouvernementale
389. L'application du par. 91(24) aux Métis: est-ce la solution?
390. Les Métis sont-ils visés au paragraphe 91(24) de la Loi Constitutionnelle de 1867 et, le cas échéant, quelles sont les conséquences en 1993?
391. Les droits issus de traités et la fonction gouvernementale dans l'optique inuit
395. The Missing Peace: Family Violence in Aboriginal Communities
396. Federal, Territorial and Provincial Expenditures Relating to Aboriginal Peoples
397. Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Federalism: An Overview
398. Contours of the Modern State in the Territorial North: Policies, Institutions and Philosophies
399. L'élaboration d'un droit international moderne sur les droits des peuples autochtones
410. Regional Overview of Aboriginal Child Care in Atlantic Canada
411. Case Study of an Inuit Economy: Pangnirtung, Northwest Territories
412. Case Study: The First Nations Economy in the City of Regina
413. Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Economic Case Study
414. Resource Rents from Aboriginal Lands in Canada
415. Sectoral Study: Agriculture
417. Wildlife Sectoral Study
418. Les sept feux, les alliances et les traités autochtones de Québec dans l'histoire
419. The Nature and Status of the Oral Promises in Relation to the Written Terms of the Treaties
420. "It Was Only A Treaty" Treaty 11 According to the Dene of the Mackenzie Valley
421. International Context of Crown-Aboriginal Treaties in Canada
422. Aboriginal Policing: A Research Perspective
423. Suicide in Canadian Aboriginal Populations: Emerging Trends in Research and Intervention
424. Le suicide chez les peuples autochtones canadiens : Nouvelles tendances en matière de recherche et d'intervention
425. Pizaaniziwin "Living a Life in Balance and Moderation": The Economy of Obishikokaang (Lac Seul) Anishinaabeg
426. Emerging Trends in Research on Mental Health Among Canadian Aboriginal Peoples
427. Aboriginal Families and Child Welfare: Challenges for First Nations and Family Services
428. Violence Against Aboriginal Women
429. Unikaavut: Our Lives / Stories from the Lives of Three Generations of Iglulik Inuit Women
430. Women's Three Generation Life History Project in Whapmagoostui, Quebec
431. The Robinson Treaties of 185: A Case Study
432. Memories and Moments: Conversation and Re-Collections
433. A History of the McKay Family of St. Eustache, Manitoba: 1846 to the Present
436. Culture et dynamique interculturelle / Volume I / Récits de vie de trois hommes Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
437. Culture et dynamique interculturelle / Volume II / Récits de vie de trois femmes Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
438. Remembering the Years of my Life
440. The Innuulisivik Maternity Centre: Issues Around the Return of Inuit Midwifery and Birth to Povungnituk, Quebec
441. Kamamuetimak: Tshentusentimak Nte Steniunu Utat, Nitshish, Kie Nte Nikan / Gathering Voices: Discovering our Past, Present and Future
442. Politics and Program: A Case Study of a First Nations Child and Family Service Agency
443. “Suffer the Little Children...” A History of the Residential School System, 183-1992
444. Fractured Vision: Frustration and Hope in Fort Resolution, N.W.T.
445. Northern Education and Training Systems for Inuit: A Strategic Analysis
Note: nonconsecutive numbering
446. Significant Aspects of Acculturation History in the Canadian Arctic: Analysis of the Forces of Inuit and Southern White Interaction until Mid-Century
447. The Relocation of the Sayisi Dene of Tadoule Lake
448. The Inuvialuit Final Agreement: Implementing its Land, Resource and Environmental Regimes
449. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: Experiences of the Nunavik Inuit with Wildlife Management
450. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: An Evaluation of the Implementation of its Environmental Regimes
451. Natural Resource Management Agreements in First Nations' Territory
452. A Model for First Nation Leadership in Multi-Party Stewardship of Watersheds and their Fisheries
453. Treaty 7 Community Study: Family Violence and Community Stress
454. An Inventory of Mapping Projects in Connection with Aboriginal Land and Resource Use in Canada
455. Aboriginal Cultural Identity
456. Projections of the Aboriginal Identity Population in Canada, 1991-216
457. Submission from the Canadian Medical Association
468. Extinguishment of the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples: Problems and Alternatives
471. The Migration and Mobility Patterns of Canada's Aboriginal Population
472. Patterns of Employment, Unemployment and Poverty
473. "Hardly a Grand Design": Aboriginal Resettlement in the Yukon Territory After World War II
474. Child Care Literature Search and Recommendations
475. Claiming Legitimacy: Oral Tradition and Oral History
476. Background Paper on Customary Adoption
477. Domestic Governments and Aboriginal Peoples: The Alberta Case
478. Case Study of the Alert Bay Aboriginal Economy
479. Canada's Aboriginal Population, 1981-1991: A Summary Report
480. Solutions from Fort Simpson
481. Le statut juridique des autochtones au québec et le pluralisme
482. Drawing Home: A CED Study of the Kamloops Urban Aboriginal Community
483. Damaged and Needing Help / Violence and Abuse in Aboriginal Families in Yellowknife and Lutsel K'e,
484. Nunavik Government
485. A Report on Metis Self-Government in Urban Manitoba
486. Inuit Relocation Policies in Canada and Other Circumpolar Countries, 1925-6
487. Sectoral Study: Forestry/The Forest Industry's Relationship with Aboriginal Peoples
489. Aboriginal Self-Governance Within the Province of New Brunswick
Note: nonconsecutive numbering
490. The Barriere Lake Trilateral Agreement
491. Dealing for a '67 Strato Chief: Folk Typologies in the Federal/Provincial Negotiation Culture
492. Aboriginal Youth Policy: An Inventory and Analysis of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Programs
493. Doctrines of Dispossession: A Critical Analysis of Four Rationales for the Denial or Extinguishment of Aboriginal Rights in Canada
494. Traditional Inuit Decision-Making Structures and the Administration of Nunavut
495. Nation to Nation: Indian Nation - Crown Relations in Canada
496. The Ross River Dena: A Yukon Aboriginal Economy
497. Gouvernement du Nunavik
1. Item # 1-15
2. Item # 16-30
3. Item # 31-45
4. Item # 46-60
5. Item # 61-75
6. Item # 76-90
7. Item # 91-105
8. Item # 106-120
9. Item # 121-135
10. Item # 136-150
11. Item # 151-165
12. Item # 166-180
13. Item # 181-195
14. Item # 196-210
15. Item # 211-416
1. Big Cove, NB 92-05-20
2. St. John's, NFLD 92-05-22
3. Pangnirtung, NWT 92-05-28
4. Inukjuak, QUE 92-06-08
5. Waswanipi, QUE 92-06-09
6. Makkovik, LAB 92-06-15
7. Happy Valley, LAB 92-06-16
8. Sheshatshiu, LAB 92-06-17
9. Sheshatshiu, LAB 92-06-18
10. Kingsclear, NB 92-05-19
11. Port Alberni, BC 92-05-20
12. Inuvik, NWT 92-05-05
13. Inuvik, NWT 92-05-06
14. Ft. McPherson, NWT 92-05-07
15. Charlottetown, PEI 92-05-05
16. Eskasoni, NS 92-05-06
17. Eskasoni, NS 92-05-07
18. Esquimalt, BC 92-05-21
19. Prince Albert (Wahpeton|Whapeton), SASK 92-05-26
20. La Ronge, SASK 92-05-28
21. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-08
22. Moosonee, ONT 92-06-10
23. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-09
24. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-09 - Part 2
25. Sault Ste. Marie, ONT 92-06-11
26. Stoney Creek, BC 92-06-18
27. Kispiox, BC 92-06-16
28. Fort Simpson, NWT 92-05-26
29. Iqaluit, NWT 92-05-25
30. Iqaluit, NWT 92-05-26
31. Teslin, YK 92-05-27
32. Watson Lake, YK 92-05-28
33. Lac La Biche ALTA 92-06-09
34. Hobbema, ALTA 92-06-10
35. Fort Chipewyan, ALTA 92-06-18
36. Edmonton, ALTA 92-06-11
37. Edmonton, ALTA 92-06-11
38. Fort McMurray, ALTA 92-06-16
39. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-21
40. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-22
41. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-23
42. Toronto, ONT 92-06-25
43. Toronto, ONT 92-06-26
44. Nain, LAB 92-11-30
45. Merritt, BC 92-11-05
46. North Battleford, SASK 92-10-29
47. Old Crow, YK 92-11-17
48. Whitehorse, YK 92-11-18
49. Saskatoon, SASK 92-10-27
50. Saskatoon, SASK 92-10-28
51. Slave Lake, ALTA 92-10-27
52. Kenora, ONT 92-10-28
53. Fort Alexander, MAN 92-10-29
54. Wendake, QUE 92-11-17 (original)
55. Wendake, QUE 92-11-17
56. Wendake, QUE 92-11-18
57. Gander, NFLD 92-11-05
58. Davis Inlet, LAB 92-12-01
59. Cartwright, LAB 92-12-02
60. Yellowknife, NWT 92-12-08
61. Yellowknife, NWT 92-12-09
62. Yellowknife, NWT 92-12-09
63. Val D'Or, QUE 92-11-30 (original)
64. Val D'Or, QUE 92-12-01 (original)
65. Val D'Or, QUE 92-12-01 (translated)
66. Val D'Or, QUE 92-11-30 (translated)
67. Brandon, MANITOBA 92-12-10
68. Thunder Bay, ONT 92-10-27
69. Mani-Utenam, QUE 92-11-20 (original)
70. Mani-Utenam, QUE 92-11-20 (translated)
71. Manouane, QUE 92-12-03 (original)
72. Manouane, QUE 92-12-03 (translated)
73. Fort Alexander, MAN 92-10-30
74. Cranbrook, BC 92-11-03
75. Toronto, ONT 92-11-02
76. Timmins, ONT 92-11-05
77. Timmins, ONT 92-11-06
78. Uashat, QUE 92-11-19 (original)
79. Uashat, QUE 92-11-19 (translated)
80. Ile La Crosse, SASK 92-12-08
81. Buffalo Narrows, SASK 92-12-09
82. La Loche, SASK 92-12-10
83. High Level, ALTA 92-10-29
84. Tobique, NB 92-11-02
85. Fort St. John, BC 92-11-19
86. Fort St. John, BC 92-11-20
87. Halifax, NS 92-11-03
88. Halifax, NS 92-11-04
89. Cambridge Bay, NWT 92-11-17
90. Rankin Inlet, NWT 92-11-19
91. Sioux Lookout, ONT 92-12-01
92. Sioux Lookout, ONT 92-12-02
93. Big Trout Lake, ONT 92-12-04
94. Roseau River, MAN 92-12-08
95. Maniwaki, QUE 92-12-02 (original)
96. Maniwaki, QUE 92-12-02 (translated)
97. Residential Schools Special Consultation, Canim Lake BC 93-03-08
98. Residential Schools Special Consultation, Canim Lake BC 93-03-09
99. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-05
100. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-06
101. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-07
102. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-08
103. Montreal, QUE 93-05-07
104. Regina, SASK 93-05-10
105. Regina, SASK 93-05-11
106. Saskatoon, SASK 93-05-12
107. Saskatoon, SASK 93-05-13
108. Orillia, ONT 93-05-12
109. Orillia, ONT 93-05-13
110. Orillia, ONT 93-05-14
111. North Bay, ONT 93-05-10
112. North Bay, ONT 93-05-11
113. Sarnia, ONT 93-05-10
114. Brantford, ONT 93-05-13
115. Brantford, ONT 93-05-14
116. Terrace, BC 93-05-25
117. Prince Rupert, BC 93-05-26
118. Montreal, QUE 93-05-27 (original)
119. Montreal, QUE 93-05-28 (original)
120. Montreal, QUE 93-05-25 (original)
121. Montreal, QUE 93-05-26 (original)
122. Montreal, QUE 93-05-25 (translated)
123. Montreal, QUE 93-05-26 (translated)
124. Montreal, QUE 93-05-27 (translated)
125. Montreal, QUE 93-05-28 (translated)
126. Lethbridge, ALTA 93-05-24
127. Lethbridge, ALTA 93-05-25
128. Youth Special Consultation, Lethbridge, AB
129. Calgary, ALTA 93-05-26
130. Calgary, ALTA 93-05-27
131. Sudbury, ONT 93-05-31
132. Sudbury, ONT 93-06-01
133. Winnipeg, MAN 93-06-02
134. Winnipeg, MAN 93-06-03
135. Thompson, MAN 93-05-31
136. Thompson, MAN 93-06-01
137. Vancouver, BC 93-06-03
138. Vancouver, BC 93-06-04
139. Prince George, BC 93-05-31
140. Prince George, BC 93-06-01
141. Kamloops, BC 93-06-14
142. Kamloops, BC 93-06-15
143. Kelowna, BC 93-06-16
144. Moncton, NB 93-06-14
145. Moncton, NB 93-06-15
146. Elizabeth, ALTA 93-06-16
147. Hay River, NWT 93-06-17
148. Edmonton, ALTA 93-06-14
149. Edmonton, ALTA 93-06-15
150. Restigouche, QUE 93-06-17
151. Restigouche, QUE 93-06-18
152. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-17
153. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-25
154. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-28
155. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-29
156. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-30
157. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-07-05
158. Toronto, ONT 93-06-02
159. Toronto, ONT 93-06-03
160. Toronto, ONT 93-06-04
161. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Aylmer, Quebec
162. Akwesasne, ONT 93-05-03
163. Akwesasne, ONT 93-05-04
164. Kahnawake, QUE 93-05-05
165. Kahnawake, QUE 93-05-06
166. London, ONT 93-05-11
167. London, ONT 93-05-12
168. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-07
169. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-08
170. Youth Special Consultation, Fredericton NB
171. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-08
172. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-09
175. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-01
176. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-02
177. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-03
178. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-04
179. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-05
180. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-15
181. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-16
182. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-17
183. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-18
184. Montreal, QUE 93-11-15 (original)
185. Montreal, QUE 93-11-16 (original)
186. Montreal, QUE 93-11-17 (original)
187. Montreal, QUE 93-11-18 (original)
188. Montreal, QUE 93-11-19 (original)
189. Montreal, QUE 93-11-15 (translated)
190. Montreal, QUE 93-11-16 (translated)
191. Montreal, QUE 93-11-17 (translated)
192. Montreal, QUE 93-11-18 (translated)
193. Montreal, QUE 93-11-19 (translated)
194. Montreal, QUE 93-11-29 (original)
195. Montreal, QUE 93-11-30 (original)
196. Montreal, QUE 93-12-01 (original)
197. Montreal, QUE 93-12-02 (original)
198. Montreal, QUE 93-12-03 (original)
199. Montreal, QUE 93-11-29 (translated)
200. Montreal, QUE 93-11-30 (translated)
201. Montreal, QUE 93-12-01 (translated)
202. Montreal, QUE 93-12-03 (translated)
203. Vancouver, BC 93-11-15
204. Winnipeg, MAN 93-11-17
205. Toronto, ONT 93-11-18
206. Toronto, ONT 93-11-19
207. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
208. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
209. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
210. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
211. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
212. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
213. Métis Nation Special Consultation, Saskatoon, SK 93-01-17
214. Métis Nation Special Consultation, Saskatoon, SK 93-01-18
215. Education Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
216. Métis Circle Special Consultation, Ottawa, ON 94-04-05
217. Métis Circle Special Consultation, Ottawa, ON 94-04-06
300. Victoria, BC 92-05-22
301. The Pas, MAN 92-05-19
302. The Pas, MAN 92-05-20
303. Wendake, QUE 92-11-18 (original)
304. Toronto, ONT 92-11-03
305. Vancouver, BC 93-06-02
416. Kelowna, BC 93-06-17
All Documents
1. Item # 1-15
2. Item# 16-30
3. Item # 31-45
4. Item # 46-60
5. Item # 61-75
6. Item # 76-90
7. Item # 91-105
8. Item # 106-120
9. Item # 121-135
10. Item #136-150
11. Item #151-165
12. Item # 166-180
13. Item # 181-195
14. Item # 196-210
15. Item # 211-225
16. Item # 226-240
17. Item # 241-255
18. Item # 256-270
19. Item # 271-285
20. Item # 286-300
21. Item # 301-315
22. Item # 316-330
23. Item #331-345
24. Item # 346-360
25. Item # 361-375
26. Item # 376-390
27. Item # 391-405
28. Item # 406-420
29. Item # 421-435
30. Item # 436-450
31. Item # 451-465
32. Item # 466-480
33. Item # 481-495
34. Item # 496-510
35. Item # 511-525
36. Item # 526-540
37. Item # 541-555
38. Item # 556-570
39. Item # 571-585
40. Item # 586-600
41. Item # 601-615
42. Item # 616-630
43. Item # 631- 645
1. Big Cove, NB 92-05-20
2. St. John's, NFLD 92-05-22
3. Pangnirtung, NWT 92-05-28
4. Inukjuak, QUE 92-06-08
5. Waswanipi, QUE 92-06-09
6. Makkovik, LAB 92-06-15
7. Happy Valley, LAB 92-06-16
8. Sheshatshiu, LAB 92-06-17
9. Sheshatshiu, LAB 92-06-18
10. Kingsclear, NB 92-05-19
11. Port Alberni, BC 92-05-20
12. Inuvik, NWT 92-05-05
13. Inuvik, NWT 92-05-06
14. Ft. McPherson, NWT 92-05-07
15. Charlottetown, PEI 92-05-05
16. Eskasoni, NS 92-05-06
17. Eskasoni, NS 92-05-07
18. Esquimalt, BC 92-05-21
19. Prince Albert (Wahpeton|Whapeton), SASK 92-05-26
20. La Ronge, SASK 92-05-28
21. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-08
22. Moosonee, ONT 92-06-10
23. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-09
24. Moose Factory, ONT 92-06-09 - Part 2
25. Sault Ste. Marie, ONT 92-06-11
26. Stoney Creek, BC 92-06-18
27. Kispiox, BC 92-06-16
28. Fort Simpson, NWT 92-05-26
29. Iqaluit, NWT 92-05-25
30. Iqaluit, NWT 92-05-26
31. Teslin, YK 92-05-27
32. Watson Lake, YK 92-05-28
33. Lac La Biche ALTA 92-06-09
34. Hobbema, ALTA 92-06-10
35. Fort Chipewyan, ALTA 92-06-18
36. Edmonton, ALTA 92-06-11
37. Edmonton, ALTA 92-06-11
38. Fort McMurray, ALTA 92-06-16
39. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-21
40. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-22
41. Winnipeg, MAN 92-04-23
42. Toronto, ONT 92-06-25
43. Toronto, ONT 92-06-26
44. Nain, LAB 92-11-30
45. Merritt, BC 92-11-05
46. North Battleford, SASK 92-10-29
47. Old Crow, YK 92-11-17
48. Whitehorse, YK 92-11-18
49. Saskatoon, SASK 92-10-27
50. Saskatoon, SASK 92-10-28
51. Slave Lake, ALTA 92-10-27
52. Kenora, ONT 92-10-28
53. Fort Alexander, MAN 92-10-29
54. Wendake, QUE 92-11-17 (original)
55. Wendake, QUE 92-11-17
56. Wendake, QUE 92-11-18
57. Gander, NFLD 92-11-05
58. Davis Inlet, LAB 92-12-01
59. Cartwright, LAB 92-12-02
60. Yellowknife, NWT 92-12-08
61. Yellowknife, NWT 92-12-09
63. Val D'Or, QUE 92-11-30 (original)
64. Val D'Or, QUE 92-12-01 (original)
65. Val D'Or, QUE 92-12-01 (translated)
66. Val D'Or, QUE 92-11-30 (translated)
67. Brandon, MANITOBA 92-12-10
68. Thunder Bay, ONT 92-10-27
69. Mani-Utenam, QUE 92-11-20 (original)
70. Mani-Utenam, QUE 92-11-20 (translated)
71. Manouane, QUE 92-12-03 (original)
72. Manouane, QUE 92-12-03 (translated)
73. Fort Alexander, MAN 92-10-30
74. Cranbrook, BC 92-11-03
75. Toronto, ONT 92-11-02
76. Timmins, ONT 92-11-05
77. Timmins, ONT 92-11-06
78. Uashat, QUE 92-11-19 (original)
79. Uashat, QUE 92-11-19 (translated)
80. Ile La Crosse, SASK 92-12-08
81. Buffalo Narrows, SASK 92-12-09
82. La Loche, SASK 92-12-10
83. High Level, ALTA 92-10-29
84. Tobique, NB 92-11-02
85. Fort St. John, BC 92-11-19
86. Fort St. John, BC 92-11-20
87. Halifax, NS 92-11-03
88. Halifax, NS 92-11-04
89. Cambridge Bay, NWT 92-11-17
90. Rankin Inlet, NWT 92-11-19
91. Sioux Lookout, ONT 92-12-01
92. Sioux Lookout, ONT 92-12-02
93. Big Trout Lake, ONT 92-12-04
94. Roseau River, MAN 92-12-08
95. Maniwaki, QUE 92-12-02 (original)
96. Maniwaki, QUE 92-12-02 (translated)
97. Residential Schools Special Consultation, Canim Lake BC 93-03-08
98. Residential Schools Special Consultation, Canim Lake BC 93-03-09
99. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-05
100. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-06
101. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-07
102. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-04-08
103. Montreal, QUE 93-05-07
104. Regina, SASK 93-05-10
105. Regina, SASK 93-05-11
106. Saskatoon, SASK 93-05-12
107. Saskatoon, SASK 93-05-13
108. Orillia, ONT 93-05-12
109. Orillia, ONT 93-05-13
110. Orillia, ONT 93-05-14
111. North Bay, ONT 93-05-10
112. North Bay, ONT 93-05-11
113. Sarnia, ONT 93-05-10
114. Brantford, ONT 93-05-13
115. Brantford, ONT 93-05-14
116. Terrace, BC 93-05-25
117. Prince Rupert, BC 93-05-26
118. Montreal, QUE 93-05-27 (original)
119. Montreal, QUE 93-05-28 (original)
120. Montreal, QUE 93-05-25 (original)
121. Montreal, QUE 93-05-26 (original)
122. Montreal, QUE 93-05-25 (translated)
123. Montreal, QUE 93-05-26 (translated)
124. Montreal, QUE 93-05-27 (translated)
125. Montreal, QUE 93-05-28 (translated)
126. Lethbridge, ALTA 93-05-24
127. Lethbridge, ALTA 93-05-25
128. Youth Special Consultation, Lethbridge, AB
129. Calgary, ALTA 93-05-26
130. Calgary, ALTA 93-05-27
131. Sudbury, ONT 93-05-31
132. Sudbury, ONT 93-06-01
134. Winnipeg, MAN 93-06-03
135. Thompson, MAN 93-05-31
136. Thompson, MAN 93-06-01
137. Vancouver, BC 93-06-03
138. Vancouver, BC 93-06-04
139. Prince George, BC 93-05-31
140. Prince George, BC 93-06-01
141. Kamloops, BC 93-06-14
142. Kamloops, BC 93-06-15
143. Kelowna, BC 93-06-16
144. Moncton, NB 93-06-14
145. Moncton, NB 93-06-15
146. Elizabeth, ALTA 93-06-16
147. Hay River, NWT 93-06-17
148. Edmonton, ALTA 93-06-14
149. Edmonton, ALTA 93-06-15
150. Restigouche, QUE 93-06-17
151. Restigouche, QUE 93-06-18
152. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-17
153. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-25
154. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-28
155. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-29
156. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-30
157. High Arctic Relocation Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-07-05
158. Toronto, ONT 93-06-02
159. Toronto, ONT 93-06-03
160. Toronto, ONT 93-06-04
161. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Aylmer, Quebec
162. Akwesasne, ONT 93-05-03
163. Akwesasne, ONT 93-05-04
164. Kahnawake, QUE 93-05-05
165. Kahnawake, QUE 93-05-06
166. London, ONT 93-05-11
167. London, ONT 93-05-12
168. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-07
169. Suicide in First Nation Communities, Special Consultations, Ottawa, ON 93-06-08
170. Youth Special Consultation, Fredericton NB
171. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-08
172. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-09
175. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-01
176. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-02
177. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-03
178. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-04
179. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-05
180. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-15
181. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-16
182. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-17
183. Ottawa, ONT 93-11-18
184. Montreal, QUE 93-11-15 (original)
185. Montreal, QUE 93-11-16 (original)
186. Montreal, QUE 93-11-17 (original)
187. Montreal, QUE 93-11-18 (original)
188. Montreal, QUE 93-11-19 (original)
189. Montreal, QUE 93-11-15 (translated)
190. Montreal, QUE 93-11-16 (translated)
191. Montreal, QUE 93-11-17 (translated)
192. Montreal, QUE 93-11-18 (translated)
193. Montreal, QUE 93-11-19 (translated)
194. Montreal, QUE 93-11-29 (original)
195. Montreal, QUE 93-11-30 (original)
196. Montreal, QUE 93-12-01 (original)
197. Montreal, QUE 93-12-02 (original)
198. Montreal, QUE 93-12-03 (original)
199. Montreal, QUE 93-11-29 (translated)
200. Montreal, QUE 93-11-30 (translated)
201. Montreal, QUE 93-12-01 (translated)
202. Montreal, QUE 93-12-03 (translated)
203. Vancouver, BC 93-11-15
204. Winnipeg, MAN 93-11-17
205. Toronto, ONT 93-11-18
206. Toronto, ONT 93-11-19
207. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
208. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
209. Justice Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
210. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
211. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
212. Health Roundtable, Vancouver, BC
213. Métis Nation Special Consultation, Saskatoon, SK 93-01-17
214. Métis Nation Special Consultation, Saskatoon, SK 93-01-18
215. Education Roundtable, Ottawa, ON
216. Métis Circle Special Consultation, Ottawa, ON 94-04-05
217. Métis Circle Special Consultation, Ottawa, ON 94-04-06
218. Federal Systems and Accommodation of Distinct Groups: A Comparative Survey of Institutional Arrangements
219. Les régimes fédéraux et les groupes distincts : Étude comparative des mécanismes institutionnels
220. Aboriginal Citizenship and Federalism: Exploring Non-Territorial Models
221. Canadian Representation and Aboriginal Peoples: A Survey of the Issues
222. Représentation des peuples autochtones au Canada / Étude des questions
223. Exploring Concepts of Treaty Federalism / A Comparative Perspective
224. Réflexion sur les concepts du fédéralisme des traités : une étude comparative
225. Exercising Aboriginal Self-Government: The Intergovernmental Transition
226. Citizenship and Aboriginal Self-Government
227. La citoyenneté et l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones
228. The Familiar Face of Colonial Oppression: An Examination of Canadian Law and Judicial Decision Making
229. Aboriginal Governments and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
230. Une perspective juridique sur les gouvernements autochtones et la Charte Canadienne de Droits et Libertés
231. Aboriginal Peoples and Constitutional Reform
232. The Indian Act / Evolution, Overview and Options for Amendment and Transition
233. A New Covenant Chain: An Alternative Model to Extinguishment for Land Claims Agreements
234. Une nouvelle chaîne d'alliance : des solutions de rechange à l'extinction du titre ancestral dans le contexte du règlement des revendications territoriales
235. Enhancing Integrity in Aboriginal Government: Ethics and Accountability for Good Governance*
236. Community and the Administration of Aboriginal Governments
237. Collectivités et gouvernements autochtones
238. Ile a la Crosse Community Study
239. The Historical, Legal and Current Basis for Siksika Nation Governance, Including Its Future Possibilities Within Canada
240. La signification de l’autonomie gouvernementale à Kahnawake
241. The Meaning of Self-Government in Kahnawake
242. Aboriginal Governance Project: Metis Settlements General Council
243. L'administration gouvernementale autochtone: le conseil général des établissements métis
244. Anishnabe Niigaanziwin: Structures and Procedures of the Serpent River First Nation
245. Anishnabe Niigaanziwin : Structures et procédures de la première nation de Serpent River
246. Study on the Vision of Self-government of the Montagnais Nation in the Fields of Education and Culture
247. Étude sur la vision de l'autonomie gouvernementale de la nation montagnaise dans les domaines de l'éducation et de la culture
248. The Shubenacadie Band Council and the Indian Brook Band Case Study on Self-Governance
249. Le conseil de bande de Shubenacadie et l'étude du cas de la bande d'Indian Brook concernant l'autonomie gouvernementale
250. Wrigley Dene Band / Research Report
251. Le conseil de bande des Dénés de Wrigley Projet d'administration gouvernementale autochtone
252. Aboriginal Governments Case Study: Teslin Tlingit First Nation
253. Governance Study: Metis Self-Government in Saskatchewan
254. Relations Between the Province and Aboriginal Peoples in Prince Edward Island
255. Aboriginal Peoples and Governance in Newfoundland and Labrador
256. Canadian Governments and Aboriginal Peoples Project/Province of Nova Scotia
257. Projets des gouvernements du Canada et des peuples autochtones Nouvelle-Écosse
258. The Case of New Brunswick — Aboriginal Relations
259. The Government of Quebec and Aboriginal Self-Government
260. Le gouvernement du Québec et l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones
261. New Relationship, New Challenges: Aboriginal Peoples and the Province of Ontario
262. Relations with Canadian Domestic Governments - Manitoba
263. Government to Government: Aboriginal Peoples and British Columbia
264. De gouvernement à gouvernement : les peuples autochtones et la Colombie-Britannique
265. Canadian Government and Aboriginal Peoples / The Northwest Territories
266. Les Premières nations et le gouvernement du Territoire du Yukon : vers une nouvelle relation
267. First Nations and the Yukon Territorial Government: Towards a New Relationship
268. The Politics of Slow Progress: Federal Aboriginal Policy Processes
269. The Case of Saskatchewan-Aboriginal Relations
270. Financing Aboriginal Self-Government
271. Making Finance fit: Funding Arrangements for Aboriginal Governments
272. Current Practices in Financing Aboriginal Government
273. Developing a Modern International Law on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
274. Indigenous Peoples and Canada's Role on the International Stage
275. Les peuples autochtones et le rôle du Canada sur la scène internationale
276. Aboriginal Self-Government in the United States: A Qualitative Political Analysis
277. L'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones aux États-Unis : Une analyse politique qualitative
278. Aboriginal Governance in Australia
279. La fonction gouvernementale aborigène en Australie
280. New Zealand Indigenous Governance
281. A Thousand Years: Indigenous Peoples and Northern Europeans
282. L'autonomie gouvernementale tribale en Inde
283. Tribal Self-Government in India
284. Patterns of Employment, Unemployment and Poverty
285. Aboriginal Training, Education & Employment
286. Aboriginal Child Care in Ontario and Quebec
287. The Impact of Major Resource Development Projects on Aboriginal Communities: A Review of the Literature
288. The Dynamics of Exclusion - Discrimination and other Barriers Facing Aboriginal Peoples in the Labour Market
289. Metis Economic Development in Regina
290. La Loche Community Case Study
291. Aboriginal People in the Winnipeg Economy
292. Community Economic Case Study / Nain, Labrador
293. Rethinking Aboriginal Participation in the Minerals Industry: An Exploration of Alternative Modes
294. Aboriginal Participation in the Minerals Industry
295. The Gaming Industry in Aboriginal Communities
296. Renouncing the Old Rules of the Games: Crown Conduct Within the Context of Litigation Involving Aboriginal Peoples
297. Renoncer aux anciennes règles du jeu : la conduite de la Couronne dans les litiges mettant en cause des peuples autochtones
298. An Overview of the Eighteenth Century Treaties Signed Between the Mi'kmaq and Wuastukwiuk Peoples and the English Crown, 1693-1928
299. Kaswentha
300. Victoria, BC 92-05-22
301. The Pas, MAN 92-05-19
302. The Pas, MAN 92-05-20
303. Wendake, QUE 92-11-18 (original)
304. Toronto, ONT 92-11-03
305. Vancouver, BC 93-06-02
306. Montreal, QUE 93-12-02 (translated)
307. La citoyenneté autochtone et le fédéralisme : analyse de modèles non territoriaux
308. Final Report: Metis Nation of Alberta Association
309. Vue d'ensemble des préoccupations relatives au sport et aux loisirs chez les peuples autochtones du Canada
310. Comprehensive Overview of Sports and Recreation Issues Relevant to Aboriginal Peoples in Canada
311. Three Generations of a Micmac Family / Stories and Conversations
312. Trois générations d'une famille micmaque: Histoires et conversations
313. Dene Life in the Sahtu Region of the Northwest Territories: A Life History over Three Generations
314. "Métis, c'est ma nation.'Your Own People', comme on dit": Life Histories From Eva, Evelyn, Priscilla and Jennifer Richard
315. Three Generation Life History Study of Metis Women in Alberta
316. Health Services Development in an Aboriginal Community: the Case of Peguis First Nation
317. L'évolution des services de santé dans une communauté autochtone : le cas de la première nation Peguis
318. Winnipeg Case Study of Health and Social Services: Final Report
319. Current practice in financing Aboriginal governments: An overview of three case studies prepared for the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
320. Politiques et programme : étude de cas sur un organisme de services à l'enfant et à la famille des Premières nations
321. Aboriginal Foster Family Care in Canada: A Policy Review
322. The Circle Game: Shadows and Substance in the Indian Residential School Experience in Canada
323. Education for Subordination: Redressing the Adverse Effects of Residential Schooling
324. Public Power and the Public Purse: Governments, Budgets and Aboriginal Peoples in the Canadian North
325. Fiscal Alternatives for Funding the Inuit and Innu of Labrador
326. Midwifery in the North
327. High Arctic Relocation: International Norms and Standards
328. A Review and Assessment of the Economic Utilisation and Potential of Country Food in the Northern Economy
329. Aboriginal People and the Minerals Industry: Yukon and Denendeh / On Our Own Terms
330. Aboriginal People and Mining in Nunavut, Nunavik and Northern Labrador
331. Northern Self-Government and Subsidiarity: Centralization vs. Community Empowerment
332. Re-Inventing Canada: The North and National Policy
333. Nunavut: Aboriginal Self-Determination Through Public Government
334. The Adaptation of Public Governing Institutions in the Territorial North
335. Them Eskimo Mob: International Implications of Nunavut
336. Dene Nation: An Analysis
337. The Adaptation of Non-Aboriginal Institutions of Governance in the Northwest Territories
338. Inuit Statistics - An Analysis of the Categories Used in Government Data Collections
339. Inuit Statistics in Canada: An Analysis of Concepts and Categories Used by Government Agencies at Federal, Provincial and Territorial Levels
340. Contemporary Aboriginal Land, Resource, and Environment Regimes: Origins, Problems, and Prospects
341. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: Natural Resources, Public Lands, and the Implementation of a Native Land Claim Settlement
342. The Northern Flood Agreement: Implementation of Land, Resource and Environment Regimes in a Treaty Area
343. Land, Landscape, Culturescape: Aboriginal Relationships to Land and the Co-Management of Natural Resources
344. Pond Inlet Inuit Women Speak About Power
345. Child Care in the North
346. Violence et Guérison / Données sur le vécu de violence familiale et le processus de guérison chez les Innuat de Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
347. Violence and Healing: Data on family violence and healing among the Innuat of Uashat mak Mani-Utenam
348. Cultural Identity For Urban Aboriginal Peoples Learning Circles Synthesis Report
349. Urban Survivors, Aboriginal Street Youth; Vancouver, Winnipeg and Montreal (kaptitipis e-pimohteyahk: Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Montreal)
350. kaptitipis e-pimohteyahk: Vancouver, Winnipeg et Montréal
351. Report of the Urban Governance Working Group
352. Rapport du groupe de travail sur la fonction gouvernementale en milieu urbain
353. Aboriginal History: Workshop Report
354. A Review and Analysis of the Major Challenges and Concerns of Aboriginal Youth in Canada
355. Submission from Arctic Co-Operatives Ltd.
356. Submission from the The Alliance Tribal Council
357. Submission from the Aboriginal Peoples Business Association
358. Submission from the Aboriginal Nurses Association of canada
359. Submission from the Canadian Council for Native Business (Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business?)
360. Submission from the Canadian Chambre of Commerce
361. Contribution de la Chambre de Commerce du Canada
362. Submission from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities
363. Submission from the Metis Society of Saskatchewan
364. Contribution du Institut Culturel et educatif Montagnais
365. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Inc.
366. Submission from Metis Women of Manitoba Inc.
367. Submission from the Manitobal Metis Federation (The Pas)
368. Submission from the Native Women's Association of Canada
369. Submission from the National Association of Friendship Centres
370. Submission from the Northern Fur Conservation Area Trappers Association
371. Submission from the Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters
372. Submission from the P.E.I. Cross Cultural Committee
373. Contribution du Regroupement Des Centres D'amitie Autochones du Quebec
374. Submission from the Regroupement Des Centres D'amitie Autochones du Quebec
375. Submission from the Swampy Cree Tribal Council
376. Submission from the NWT Council of Friendship Centres
377. Submission from the Tahltan Tribal Council
378. Submission from the Treaty 8 Tribal Associations
379. Overview of the Second Round (April 1993)
380. Toward Reconciliation: Overview of the Fourth Round (April 1994)
381. Vers une réconciliation: Compte rendu de la quatrième série d'audiences (avril 1994)
382. Implementing Aboriginal Self-Government: Constitutional and Jurisdictional Issues
383. Normative Dimensions of the Right of Aboriginal Self-Government
384. The Métis and 91(24): Is Inclusion the Issue?
385. Do the Métis fall within section 91(24) of the Constitution Act, 1867 and, if so, what are the ramifications in 1993?
386. Inuit Perspectives on Treaty Rights and Governance Issues
387. La mise en oeuvre de l'autonomie gouvernementale des peuples autochtones : aspects constitutionnels et questions de compétence
388. Les dimensions normatives du droit des autochtones à l'autonomie gouvernementale
389. L'application du par. 91(24) aux Métis: est-ce la solution?
390. Les Métis sont-ils visés au paragraphe 91(24) de la Loi Constitutionnelle de 1867 et, le cas échéant, quelles sont les conséquences en 1993?
391. Les droits issus de traités et la fonction gouvernementale dans l'optique inuit
392. Canada's Fiduciary Obligation to Aboriginal Peoples in the Context of Accession to Sovereignty by Quebec (1995) Volume 2: Domestic Dimensions
393. L'obligation de fiduciaire du Canada envers les peuples autochtones dans le contexte de l'accession du Québec à la souveraineté (1995) Volume 2: Dimension intérieure
394. Canada's Fiduciary Obligation to Aboriginal Peoples in the Context of Accession to Sovereignty by Quebec (1995) Volume 1: International Dimensions
395. The Missing Peace: Family Violence in Aboriginal Communities
396. Federal, Territorial and Provincial Expenditures Relating to Aboriginal Peoples
397. Aboriginal Peoples and Canadian Federalism: An Overview
398. Contours of the Modern State in the Territorial North: Policies, Institutions and Philosophies
399. L'élaboration d'un droit international moderne sur les droits des peuples autochtones
400. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 1 - Looking Forward Looking Back
401. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 2 - Restructuring the Relationship
402. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 3 - Gathering Strength
403. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 4 - Perspectives and Realities
404. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples Volume 5 - Renewal: A Twenty-Year Commitment
405. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 1 - Un passé, un avenir
406. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 2 - Une relation à redéfinir
407. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 3 - Vers un ressourcement
408. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 4 - Perspectives et réalités
409. Rapport de la Commission royale sur les Peuples autochtones Volume 5 - Vingt ans d'action soutenue pour le renouveau
410. Regional Overview of Aboriginal Child Care in Atlantic Canada
411. Case Study of an Inuit Economy: Pangnirtung, Northwest Territories
412. Case Study: The First Nations Economy in the City of Regina
413. Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Economic Case Study
414. Resource Rents from Aboriginal Lands in Canada
415. Sectoral Study: Agriculture
416. Kelowna, BC 93-06-17
417. Wildlife Sectoral Study
418. Les sept feux, les alliances et les traités autochtones de Québec dans l'histoire
419. The Nature and Status of the Oral Promises in Relation to the Written Terms of the Treaties
420. "It Was Only A Treaty" Treaty 11 According to the Dene of the Mackenzie Valley
421. International Context of Crown-Aboriginal Treaties in Canada
422. Aboriginal Policing: A Research Perspective
423. Suicide in Canadian Aboriginal Populations: Emerging Trends in Research and Intervention
424. Le suicide chez les peuples autochtones canadiens : Nouvelles tendances en matière de recherche et d'intervention
425. Pizaaniziwin "Living a Life in Balance and Moderation": The Economy of Obishikokaang (Lac Seul) Anishinaabeg
426. Emerging Trends in Research on Mental Health Among Canadian Aboriginal Peoples
427. Aboriginal Families and Child Welfare: Challenges for First Nations and Family Services
428. Violence Against Aboriginal Women
429. Unikaavut: Our Lives / Stories from the Lives of Three Generations of Iglulik Inuit Women
430. Women's Three Generation Life History Project in Whapmagoostui, Quebec
431. The Robinson Treaties of 185: A Case Study
432. Memories and Moments: Conversation and Re-Collections
433. A History of the McKay Family of St. Eustache, Manitoba: 1846 to the Present
436. Culture et dynamique interculturelle / Volume I / Récits de vie de trois hommes Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
437. Culture et dynamique interculturelle / Volume II / Récits de vie de trois femmes Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
438. Remembering the Years of my Life
440. The Innuulisivik Maternity Centre: Issues Around the Return of Inuit Midwifery and Birth to Povungnituk, Quebec
441. Kamamuetimak: Tshentusentimak Nte Steniunu Utat, Nitshish, Kie Nte Nikan / Gathering Voices: Discovering our Past, Present and Future
442. Politics and Program: A Case Study of a First Nations Child and Family Service Agency
443. “Suffer the Little Children...” A History of the Residential School System, 183-1992
444. Fractured Vision: Frustration and Hope in Fort Resolution, N.W.T.
445. Northern Education and Training Systems for Inuit: A Strategic Analysis
446. Significant Aspects of Acculturation History in the Canadian Arctic: Analysis of the Forces of Inuit and Southern White Interaction until Mid-Century
447. The Relocation of the Sayisi Dene of Tadoule Lake
448. The Inuvialuit Final Agreement: Implementing its Land, Resource and Environmental Regimes
449. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: Experiences of the Nunavik Inuit with Wildlife Management
450. The James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement: An Evaluation of the Implementation of its Environmental Regimes
451. Natural Resource Management Agreements in First Nations' Territory
452. A Model for First Nation Leadership in Multi-Party Stewardship of Watersheds and their Fisheries
453. Treaty 7 Community Study: Family Violence and Community Stress
454. An Inventory of Mapping Projects in Connection with Aboriginal Land and Resource Use in Canada
455. Aboriginal Cultural Identity
456. Projections of the Aboriginal Identity Population in Canada, 1991-216
457. Submission from the Canadian Medical Association
458. Submission from the Independent First Nations Alliance
459. Submission from the Canadian Labour Congress
460. Submission from the Ontario Native Council on Justice
461. Submission from the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council
462. Submission from the Federation of Ontario Naturalists
463. Submission from the Ontario Native Education Counselling Association
464. Contribution du Grand Conseil de Ia Nation Waban-Aki Inc.
465. Submission from the West Region Tribal Council
466. Treaty Making in the Spirit of Co-existence: An Alternative to Extinguishment (March 1995)
467. L'obligation de fiduciaire du Canada envers les peuples autochtones dans le contexte de l'accession du Québec à la souveraineté (1995) Volume 1: Dimension internationale
468. Extinguishment of the Rights of Aboriginal Peoples: Problems and Alternatives
469. The High Arctic Relocation: A Report on the 1953-55 Relocation and Summary of Supporting Information (three volumes) (July 1994)
471. The Migration and Mobility Patterns of Canada's Aboriginal Population
472. Patterns of Employment, Unemployment and Poverty
473. "Hardly a Grand Design": Aboriginal Resettlement in the Yukon Territory After World War II
474. Child Care Literature Search and Recommendations
475. Claiming Legitimacy: Oral Tradition and Oral History
476. Background Paper on Customary Adoption
477. Domestic Governments and Aboriginal Peoples: The Alberta Case
478. Case Study of the Alert Bay Aboriginal Economy
479. Canada's Aboriginal Population, 1981-1991: A Summary Report
480. Solutions from Fort Simpson
481. Le statut juridique des autochtones au québec et le pluralisme
482. Drawing Home: A CED Study of the Kamloops Urban Aboriginal Community
483. Damaged and Needing Help / Violence and Abuse in Aboriginal Families in Yellowknife and Lutsel K'e,
484. Nunavik Government
485. A Report on Metis Self-Government in Urban Manitoba
486. Inuit Relocation Policies in Canada and Other Circumpolar Countries, 1925-6
487. Sectoral Study: Forestry/The Forest Industry's Relationship with Aboriginal Peoples
489. Aboriginal Self-Governance Within the Province of New Brunswick
490. The Barriere Lake Trilateral Agreement
491. Dealing for a '67 Strato Chief: Folk Typologies in the Federal/Provincial Negotiation Culture
492. Aboriginal Youth Policy: An Inventory and Analysis of Federal, Provincial, and Territorial Programs
493. Doctrines of Dispossession: A Critical Analysis of Four Rationales for the Denial or Extinguishment of Aboriginal Rights in Canada
494. Traditional Inuit Decision-Making Structures and the Administration of Nunavut
495. Nation to Nation: Indian Nation - Crown Relations in Canada
496. The Ross River Dena: A Yukon Aboriginal Economy
497. Gouvernement du Nunavik
499. The Right of Aboriginal Self-Government and the Constitution: A Commentary (February 1992)
500. Partners in Confederation: Aboriginal Peoples, Self-Government, and the Constitution (August 1993)
501. Ethical Guidelines for Research (Pamphlet)
502. Integrated Research Plan (January 1994)
503. Framing the Issues, Discussion Paper No. 1 (October 1992)
504. Focusing the Dialogue, Discussion Paper No. 2 (April 1993)
505. Overview of the First Round (October 1992)
506. Exploring the Options: Overview of the Third Round (November 1993) English, French
507. Aboriginal Peoples in Urban Centres: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Urban Issues (May 1993)
508. The Path to Healing: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Health and Social Issues (October 1993)
509. Aboriginal Peoples and the Justice System: Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Justice Issues (June 1993)
510. Sharing the Harvest: The Road to Self-Reliance, Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Economic Development and Resources (December 1993)
511. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 1: Soliloquy and Dialogue: The Evolution of Public Policy Discourse on Aboriginal Issues since the Hawthorn Report
512. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 2: Summaries of Reports by Federal Bodies and Aboriginal Organizations
513. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 3: Summaries of Reports by Provincial and Territorial Bodies and Other Organizations
514. Public Policy and Aboriginal Peoples, 1965-1992 Volume 4: Bibliography
515. Choosing Life: Special Report on Suicide Among Aboriginal People (February 1995)
516. Aboriginal Self-Government: Legal and Constitutional Issues (1995)
517. Bridging the Cultural Divide: A Report on Aboriginal People and Criminal Justice in Canada (1996)
518. Le droit à l'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones et la Constitution: Commentaire (février 1992)
519. Partenaires au sein de la Confédération: Les peuples autochtones, l'autonomie gouvernementale et la Constitution (août 1993)
520. Code d'éthique en matière de recherche (brochure)
521. Plan de recherche intégrée (janvier 1994)
522. Les questions en jeu: Document de réflexion no 1, (octobre 1992)
523. Au cœur du dialogue: Document de réflexion no 2, (octobre 1992)
524. Compte rendu de la première série d'audiences (octobre 1992)
525. Compte rendu de la deuxième série d'audiences (avril 1993)
526. L'heure des choix: Compte rendu de la troisième série d'audiences (novembre 1993)
527. Les peuples autochtones vivant en milieu urbain: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur les préoccupations des populations urbaines autochtones (mai 1993)
528. Sur le chemin de la guérison: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur la santé et les questions sociales (octobre 1993)
529. Les peuples autochtones et la justice: Rapport de la Table ronde nationale sur les questions judiciaires (juin 1993)
530. Un partage garant d'autonomie: Rapport de la Table ronde sur le développement économique et les ressources (décembre 1993)
531. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 1: Soliloque et dialogue: Aperçu des grandes tendances de la politique officielle relative aux peuples autochtones
532. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 2: Résumés de rapports d'organismes fédéraux et d'organismes autochtones
534. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 4: Bibliographie
533. Politique officielle et peuples autochtones, 1965-1992 Volume 3: Résumés de rapports d'organismes provinciaux et territoriaux et d'autres organismes
535. La réinstallation dans l'Extrême-Arctique: Un rapport sur la réinstallation de 1953-1955 (juillet 1994) vol. 1 et 2
536. Choisir la vie: Un rapport spécial sur le suicide chez les autochtones (février 1995)
537. Conclure des traités dans un esprit de coexistence: Une solution de rechange à l'extinction du titre ancestral (mars 1995)
538. L'autonomie gouvernementale des autochtones: Questions juridiques et constitutionnelles (1995)
539. Par-delà les divisions culturelles: Un rapport sur les autochtones et la justice pénale au Canada (1996)
540. Submission from the Aboriginal Women's Council of B.C.
541. Submission from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs
542. Submission from the Alberta Indian War Veterans Society
543. Submission from the The Assembly of Aboriginal Peoples of Saskatchewan Inc.
544. Submission from the Aboriginal Women's Council of Saskatchewan Inc.
545. Submission from the Aboriginal Sports/Recreation Association of B.C.
546. Submission from the Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association
547. Submission from the Assembly of First Nations
548. Submission from the Aboriginal Rights Coalition
549. Soumission de l'Association des Metis et Indiens Hors Reserves du Quebec
550. Submission from the The Aboriginal Youth Council of Canada
551. Submission from the Native Alliance of Quebec
552. Submission from the B.C. Aboriginal Network on Disability Society
553. Submission from the B.C. Native Women's Society
554. Submission from the B.C. Association of Friendship Centres
555. Submission from the Canadian Ethnocultural Council
556. Submission from the Concerned Fisherman of Great Slave Lake
557. Submission from the Canadian Artic Resources Committee
558. Submission from the Canadian Bar Association
559. Submission from the Council for the Advancement of Native Development Officers
560. Submission from the Canadian Nurses Association
561. Submission from the Canadian Park/Recreation Association
562. Soumission du Conseil des Atikamekw et Des Montagnais Inc.
563. Submission from the Council of Elders (Ontario)
564. Submission from the Chiefs of Ontario
565. Submission from the Deh Cho Tribal Council
566. Submission from the Dene Nation
567. Submission from the Economic Development for Canadian Aboriginal Women Inc.
568. Submission from the Federation of Newfoundland Indians
569. Submission from the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations
570. Soumission des Femmes Autochtones du Quebec Inc.
571. Submission from the First Nation Confederacy
572. Submission from the Fredericton Native Friendship Centre
573. Submission from the Gwich'in Tribal Council
574. Submission from the Grand Council of the Crees of Quebec
575. Submission from the Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies & Applied Research
576. Submission from the Indian Homemakers Association
577. Submission from the Indigenous Women's Collective
578. Submission from the Indian Council- First Nations of Manitoba
579. Submission from the Indian Association of Alberta
580. Submission from Inuit Tapiriiksat Kanatami
581. Submission from the Indigenous Bar Association
582. Submission from the Interprovincial Association on Native Employment Inc.
583. Submission from the Indigenous Survival International (Canada)
584. Submission from the Kwakuitl District Office
585. Submission from Labrador Legal Services
586. Submission from the Labrador Inuit Health Commission
587. Submission from the London Districts Chiefs Council
588. Submission from the Labrador Metis Association
589. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation/Thompson Regions
590. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Winnipeg Region
591. Submission from the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties (MARL)
592. Submission from the Metis Nation NWT
593. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation Southeast Region
594. Submission from the Metis Nation Of Alberta Association
595. Submission from the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc.
596. Submission from the Maskawachees Cultural College
597. Submission from the Metis National Council
598. Submission from the Manitoba Metis Federation SouthWest Region
599. Submission from the Interlake Metis Association
600. Submission from the The Metis Settlements General Council
601. Submission from the Metis Child and Family Services Society
602. Submission from the Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak Inc.
603. Submission from the Metis Heritage Association
604. Submission from the National Aboriginal Communications Society
605. Submission from the Native Brotherhood of B.C.
606. Submission from the Native Council of Nova Scotia / Union of Nova Scotia Indians
607. Submission from the Native Council of Prince Edward Island
608. Submission from Nongon Ikwe Inc.
609. Submission from the Native Court worker and Counselling Association of B.C.
610. Submission from the Native Council of Canada
611. Submission from Native Earth Performing Arts
612. Submission from the Native Council of Canada Alberta
613. Submission from the National Native Association Of Treatment Centres
614. Submission from the Nicola Valley Tribal Council
615. Submission from the Nova Scotia Native Women's Association
616. Submission from the Northern Flood Committee
617. Submission from the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation
618. Submission from the The North Shore Tribal Council
619. Submission from the National Aboriginal Veterans Association
620. Submission from the National Aboriginal Youth Career and Awareness Committee Inc.
621. Submission from the Native Women's Association of the NWT
622. Submission from the Nisga'a Tribal Council
623. Submission from the National Aboriginal Forestry Association
624. Submission from the Northwest Metis Council
625. Submission from the Ontario Native Women's Association
626. Submission from the Ontario Federation oflndian Friendship Centres
627. Submission from the Ontario Metis Aboriginal Association
628. Submission from the The Pacific Metis Federation
629. Submission from the Sto':Lo Tribal Council
630. Submission from the Sahtu Tribal Council
631. Submission from the Society of Canadian Artists of Native Ancestry
632. Submission from the Saugeen Ojibway Nations Territories
633. Submission from the Saskatoon Treaty and First Nations Assembly Inc.
634. Submission from the Treaty 7 Tribal Council
635. Submission from the Touchwood File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council
636. Submission from the Tribal and Chiefs Association of North Eastern Alberta
637. Submission from the Union of Ontario Indians
638. Submission from the United Indian Councils
639. Submission from the United Chiefs and Councils
640. Submission from the Urban Treaty Alliance
641. Submission from the United Steel Workers of America
642. Submission from the Winnipeg First Nations Tribal Council
643. Submission from the Women of the Metis Nation
644. Submission from the Windigo Tribal Council
645. Submission from the Yorkton Tribal Council