When using text/images/music/video students must always respect copyright. Use material that is under license to SMU, has a Creative Commons or Open Access license, is in the Public Domain, or meets with Fair Dealing guidelines. Full attribution must be always given.
If you are not able to find materials that are licensed to SMU, are in the Public Domain, have a Creative Commons or Open Access license, or meet Fair Dealing guidelines then you will need to request permission to use these materials.
What is Creative Commons? What is Open Access?
Creative Commons is a non-profit organization that promotes the sharing of knowledge and resources. The organization offers free licensing tools for works in an effort to increase the sharing & re-using of materials with a "some rights reserved" approach to licensing. Through their affiliate organizations Creative Commons works to promote their mission of sharing. This allows further distribution and sharing of the materials, while creators are still able to maintain copyright of their work.
Open Access educational resources are learning materials that are freely available for use. Please note: These resources often include a terms of use statement, listing conditions for using the material.
Got questions? Send us an email. Or check out Creative Commons FAQ
Below is a selection of Creative Commons, Open and other educational resources. Please read the terms of use for all resources and abide by the conditions outlined by the author/copyright holder.
Please note: This guide does not provide legal advice. It is intented to give guidance about acceptable use of copyright protected materials.