This Q&A is designed to answer library related questions. While you can find some general information about SMU, this Q&A aims to answer questions you have about the library's services, facilities, resources, etc.
Can't find what you're looking for at SMU? Halifax Public Libraries has a wide range of material and e-resources available to everyone in the community.
Check out the Halifax Public Libraries website below to:
We're here to help! Connect with Research Help at the Patrick Power Library:
Phone: 902-420-5544
Text: 902-702-3057
Book an appointment: Research Help appointments are available in person and online on weekdays, evenings and weekends regularly and by request.
Outside of the Library's Research Help hours, try Novanet Live Help. Live Help is an online chat-based reference service provided by Novanet libraries. This service is designed to respond to brief questions that can be answered quickly and effectively using online resources.