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Finance & Management Science

Statistics Canada - Key Resources

Statistics Canada

Canada's national statistical office, providing key information on Canada's economy, society and environment.

Stay on top of Canada's statistical news throughout the day!

  • Data  (Interactive Data Tables)

Use CANSIM to view time series tables on a wide variety of socio-economic topics. Tables can be altered by adding/removing different data dimensions (e.g., geography, sex, age group). Data in tables can be downloaded as Excel-compatible CSV files.

First time looking for data from Statistics Canada? Please start from here: Statistics Canada - Quick Guide

Register for My Statcan: a customizable one-stop portal that allows you to:

  • Bookmark and quickly access your favourite articles, reports, data tables, indicators, and more.
  • Receive email notifications on our latest data releases.
  • Participate in online discussions on the StatCan Blog, Chat with an expert and Question of the month.

Nova Scotia Statistics & Data

The Province of Nova Scotia's Economics and Statistics Division serves as the Nova Scotia Statistics Agency.  The agency produces its own data and also uses Statistics Canada tables to develop reports that are specific to the province, including:

Search open data portals of Halifax and the government of Nova Scotia:

Canadian Economic Statistics, Data & Reports (Selected)

Review of Economic Statistics

  • Every other Friday, the Review of Economic Statistics presents a video discussion on economic statistics of the previous two weeks.
Bank of Canada Rates & Statistics
Bank of Canada Review
Contains over 6000 detailed, updated reports on a wide range of Canadian social and economic issues.
Canadian System of Macroeconomic Accounts

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada:  Industry by sector, statistics, and more.

See especially the Research and Business Intelligence section


U.S. & International Statistics

  • UN Comtrade includes downloadable data visualizations and analytical tables.
  • You can also explore their data via the interactive UN-Comtrade dashboard.
General Statistics