View the CARL Position Statement on Open Access, links to Canadian university open access policies, details of CARL support for the Tri-Agency Open Access Policy, and more.
The Right to Research Coalition was founded by students to promote an open scholarly publishing system based on the belief that no student should be denied access to the articles they need because their institution cannot afford the often high cost of access.
The objective of this policy is to improve access to the results of research funded by NSERC, SSHRC, and CIHR and to increase the dissemination and exchange of research results.
Held in October, this is an annual global event promoting Open Access. The website provides access to a variety of educational and promotional resources, as well as an opportunity to become directly involved in the movement.
A Blog post about Open Access from Feral Librarian. "Below is the modified text of my keynote talk at the 2018 Creative Commons Global Summit. Video also available."