Use reference books as background sources to get quick facts or information, or an overview of a subject. Some examples of reference sources are: dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, almanacs, directories, atlases, and handbooks.
Books with REF in the call number are located on the first floor. Books with GEN are on the second or third floors.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management |
HD 30.15 B455 2005 REF |
The Blue Book of Canadian Business |
HF 5071 B58 2012 REF |
Business: The Ultimate Resource |
HD 38.15 B8 2002 REF |
Canadian Key Business Directory |
HF 3223 C24 REF |
Canadian Master Labour Guide |
KE 3109 C3 ed.31 REF |
D & B Million Dollar Directory |
HC 102 D8 2009 REF |
Encyclopedia of Business and Finance |
HF 1001 E466 2007 REF |
Global Executive |
HF 5549.5 E45 G554 2005 REF |
Historical Encyclopedia of American Labor |
HD 8066 H57 2004 REF |
Human Resources Glossary |
HF 5549 A23 T73 2004 REF |