ORCID is a free online service for listing every scholarly author’s publications and other work. Major indexes like Scopus, PubMed, MLA, and Web of Science can be easily set to automatically list authors' articles in ORCID, giving authors an up-to-date list ready when they need it. ORCID provides a unique digital ID that distinguishes researchers and scholars from all others with the same name. ORCID is becoming the open industry standard for documenting scholarly works and activities. Many publishers now require or encourage authors to have an ORCID ID.
1.) Go to the ORCID website sign-in page: https://orcid.org/signin
2.) Click on "Register Now" and fill in the required form.
3.) Remember to specify Saint Mary's University: Halifax, NS, CA as your employer. There is a separate field for your department.
4.) Once signed in to your new ORCID profile, you can automatically get your past works added to your profile.
5.) Click the "Add" button in the "Grants" section, and use "Search & Link" to add your previous grants to your ORCID profile.
6.) In order for others to view your ORCID profile you should click the dropdown menu by your Name. From the menu select "Account Settings", then select "Visibility". Then click the "Everyone" option.
7.) You can also add additional works or activities by copying and pasting or typing them in manually.