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2021 Census - Data and Documentation
Want to learn more about Census of Population topics and concepts? Visit the Census Learning Centre.
Data Products, 2021 Census of Population
2021 Census of Population - Statistics Canada Portal for All Things 2021 Census, including:
This profile presents information from the 2021 Census of Population for various levels of geography, including provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities and census tracts. Using the search or browse options below, users can search for an area of interest by typing its place name, postal codeOM or geographic code or by browsing a list.
This series of cross-tabulations presents a portrait of Canada based on the various census topics. They range in complexity and are available for various levels of geography.
Interactive mapping application that allows you to explore Statistics Canada's geography and find census data products available for specific locations at a specified level of geography.
Goes over gender diversity data in Canada. Includes tables and charts, most with 2021 data, and a list of some surveys from 2018 to 2022 that have included gender and sex at birth variables.
Index of data products produced to date from 2021 Census data. Includes community profiles, tables, data visualizations, interactive charts, key indicators, thematic maps, and interactive dashboards.
Census Public Use Microdata Files (PUMFs)
Want to learn more about Census of Population topics and concepts? Visit the Census Learning Centre.
Concepts, universes, variables, and geographic terms.
"provides an overview of the Census of Population content determination, collection, processing, data quality assessment and data dissemination."
"This video is designed to provide viewers with a basic understanding of how census concepts (for example, focuses, population of interest and variables) are logically structured and to show different ways of looking at data. "
Dictionary, guides, questionnaire, supporting documentation, technical report.
2021 Census - Maps and Geography
This is not an exhaustive list of products and documentation, see the catalogue (last link in the documentation section) for more. More geographical products might make an appearance throughout 2022 and beyond.
Statistics Canada geography portal for the census including reference maps.
PDF maps of different levels of geography for the 2021 census.
Different levels of geography for the 2021 census of population and census of agriculture in several formats compatible with geospatial software.
"Dataset at the dissemination block level that contains the links to all census geographic areas."
Free software to view Statistics Canada census geography (2006-2021) and extract geographical codes. Online version.
Geography Documentation
Definitions of geographical terms.
Short illustrated definitions of geographical terms.
The classification structure allows you to navigate geographical codes to drill-down from regions to census subdivisions. The variants offer additional options.
"The objective of this course is to describe the role of geography in the context of the activities of the 2021 Census and previous censuses"
Contains references to all geography products and documentation including: population ecumene, road network file, geographic attribute file, etc.
2021 Census of Agriculture
Statistics Canada portal for the census of agriculture.
Data and Products
Has data tables from the 2011 to the 2021 census of agriculture at various levels of geography including census divisions, census agricultural regions, and census consolidated subdivisions.
View data about types of farms, farm operators, paid labour, and operating revenues. Currently limited to provinces.
Maps and Geography
PDF maps of census agricultural regions and census consolidated subdivisions for the 2021 census of agriculture.
Different levels of geography for the 2021 census of population and census of agriculture - including the agricultural ecumene - in several formats compatible with geospatial software.
Includes "A new conceptual definition of a 'farm' or an 'agricultural holding'" section that goes over a "significant conceptual change" introduced in the 2021 census.