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Reference Sources

Books with REF in the call number are located on the first floor. Books with GEN are on the second or third floors.


Atlantic Provinces Business to Business Sales and Marketing Directory

HF 5072 A74 A84 2012 REF

Canada Yearbook

HA 744 S81 2011 REF

Canadian Demographics

HC 111 F5 2012 REF

Consumer USA

HF 5415.1 C6 2009 REF

Encyclopedia of Advertising

HF 5803 A38 2003 REF

European Marketing Data and Statistics

HA 1107 E87 2012 REF

Global Market Share Planner

HD 2757.15 G56 2004 REF

International Marketing Data and Statistics

HA 42 I56 2012 REF

Market Research Handbook (Statistics Canada)

HC 111 A19 2008 REF

Who Buys What

HF 5415.32 W56 2006 REF

Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing

HF 5415 W54 2011 REF