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Sustainable Development Goals Material

Want to learn about the UN Sustainable Development Goals -- or trying to find ways to introduce them to others?
Here are some useful videos about the goals.

You can also check out the official SDG YouTube Channel.

How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks

Run-time: 14 minutes. Can we end hunger and poverty, halt climate change and achieve gender equality in the next 15 years? The governments of the world think we can. Meeting at the UN in September 2015, they agreed to a new set of Global Goals for the development of the world to 2030. Social progress expert Michael Green invites us to imagine how these goals and their vision for a better world can be achieved.

Numbers in Action
Run-time: just under 2 minutes. This animation shows what the world could look like if we achieve some of the Global Goals by 2030.

'We The People' for the Global Goals
Run-time: 3 minutes. Introductory video where scientists, activists and celebrities count down the 17 Global Goals and discuss what they might mean for the world.

The Goals

Click on the image to visit the official UN SDG webpage and learn about each of the 17 Goals.